Hi! I'm Alexis

Author, inner peace activist, and founder of Becoming YOUniversity

I help people like you shift into peace and presence by connecting with your true purpose and softening into the bliss of being you.

Someone asked me why I do purpose work and my answer was so true and real, I want to share it with you here: 

I've always been intrigued by spiritual exploration. Comparative Religion was one of my favorite classes in high school, and I loved learning about meditation and Eastern wisdom traditions in my youth group growing up.

But it wasn't until I was in my 30s that I was able to articulate why purpose in particular is so intriguing for me.

In 2010, I was part of a small, rape crisis support group. Most of the women had been attacked as adults. Meaning, there was something -- or someone -- for them to return to during the counseling process.

They knew who they were before the assault, and their healing journey was to find their way back to being that person while integrating this new, traumatic experience. 

But because some of my first sexual experiences were non-consensual, I didn't have a clear Sense of Me to go back to.

My teen years felt like the result of trauma, not the foundation of a solid sense of self that I could borrow from to heal afterwards. 

So while all my friends were eager to keep growing up and move on to the next stage of life, I kept looking for the pause button. 

Please just stop so I can catch up and have a re-do! It wasn't supposed to be like this. This is all a horrible mistake! 

My entire life felt rooted in who I became in order to cope, instead of an understanding of who I really AM.

Without a clear sense of self, I didn't know what to hold onto or how to find my way through life's inevitable hardships. Broken hearts, health scares, questions about my career path or what I really wanted...

The self-help books I read just said 'Be you! Share your truth!". But that means nothing when feel like you don't know who you are.

So I kept asking the questions... 

If I can't trust and fall back on my sense of selfwhat can I rely on? 
What can I go back to?
What is there at the end of the day?

All answers pointed to purpose.

Because if my purpose is there, then there was always something in me. There was always a truth at my core. Which means that nothing that happened -- no matter how painful or different from what I wanted -- could ever be a mistake.

I was always on purpose.

I find that liberating.

The moment I live for 

Now that I help to people to uncover their own purpose, there is one particular moment in the work that fills and fuels me like no other. It is a gift to witness and an even greater gift to participate in creating.

I call it the moment of absolution.

It happens just after people realize their purpose for the first time -- when they truly get that all of the bad stuff was on purpose and part of the journey too.

In that moment, all the pain and struggle and suffering stops. You stop feeling ashamed of yourself and your past or worrying that you somehow made a mistake. 

For one, beautiful, fleeting moment you know that you are perfect and whole.

That moment matters to me. 

It doesn't happen for everyone -- but when it does, it's like time stops and the compassion of Grace herself envelops you.

That is the gift of true purpose. 

My theme song

If a track runs along the movie of my life, I hope that it's this one:

It’s about a woman who fights robots to help people live happily.

I like to imagine that the robots are your fears, insecurities, doubts, confusion, unhappiness, racing thoughts, stress, and overall “what the he** is happening to my life?” feelings.

Together we kick their butts (in a loving way).

Then once they’re no longer running the show, I help you stand tall in who you really are, so you can...

✓ Clearly communicate your desires
✓ Tune into your intuition
✓ Create loving boundaries
✓ Feel connected to your purpose & 
✓ Express your soul’s deepest joy.

Because you're meant to feel good being you.

It’s that simple.

I invite you to join me and become who you were always meant to be. 

Get started by choosing the right option for you below.



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